International Missions
Bryan and Nancy Taliaferro have been the point persons in our ministry to Ghana. Through their leadership Beale has provided a tractor, school supplies, and literally thousands of mosquito nets. Churches have been started, people have been baptized and lives have been saved due to the protection the nets provide from mosquitos carrying malaria. Through Beale’s efforts (in part), Virginia Baptists have maintained a presence in Ghana for over a decade, and the rate of malaria related deaths has reduced dramatically.
Susan Eastwood grew up at Beale. She and her husband Len, sold their business and quit a lucrative job to serve the Lord in Kenya. We do our best to support them by financially assisting in their various projects and sending laborers when possible. Part of the year, Susan and Len return to the states for their fundraising season, and Beale hosts an oyster roast each fall to help them raise support for their ministry. A number of people have assisted them with projects over the years, including a recent team of Beale members and St. Margaret’s students.
Costa Rica 
Jordanna Ailor has been an educator for 14 years, recently entering full-time ministry as her family relocated to Costa Rica. The mother of two biological children, River and Windsor, and one older adopted daughter Jackie, now in college, Jordanna has enjoyed her years of motherhood. Lessons God has shown her through her own rearing of children and those from the classroom are helpful in steering future ministry. Being a part of a great vision from God has been a humbling experience for her and it is her prayer that NOW Costa Rica be a place of rest and freedom to all who come to encounter the ministry.
Beale has an opportunity to participate in an emerging Virginia Baptist project in Haiti, working on sustainable agriculture and drinking water models throughout the country.
These four locations are our primary mission points. They are not, the only places we serve. In our local community we dug a well and installed a septic system for a family, built a small house for another, installed windows, and built too many handicap accessible ramps to count. At Christmas, we partner with the Salvation Army to provide presents to hundreds of children in our community. On the Saturday before Easter, we host an Easter egg hunt that over 1,000 people from our community attend.