Local Missions
Local Ministry Opportunities
Benevolence Ministry
How blessed is he who considers the helpless; The LORD will deliver him in a day of trouble. Psalm 41:1
The deacons and leaders in the early church were placed in charge of benevolence ministry, which is the ministry of meeting human need. Beale’s Missions Committee manages the benevolence funds of the church, and distribute the funds locally based on benevolence requests. Through this vital ministry, many of our neighbors in Essex County have been able to remain in their homes, keep the heat on in the winter, and feed their families when things get tight. Jesus taught that when we minister to people by meeting their physical needs, we actually minister to him, because all people are made in God’s image. That’s what he meant when he said,
For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me. Matthew 25:35-36
Through leading the benevolence ministry quietly and confidentially, the Missions Committee models to the rest of the church what loving people in Jesus’s name looks like. The majority of benevolence money comes from the church’s general fund, so a portion of every dollar given to Beale helps support this vital ministry.
Rappahannock Baptist Association
Since our founding in 1875, Beale has been associated with the Rappahannock Baptist Association (RBA). Through partnering with the RBA, Beale works with other sister churches in the region to better minister to the regional Hispanic community. RBA churches also partner together for regional events such as revivals, and varied mission projects.
Essex Churches Together
Essex Churches Together (ECT) is an ecumenical Christian group united in partnership to fulfill the mission of learning & supporting the needs of the community. Beale Memorial partners with this group (which has monthly meetings throughout the year) to address ongoing and emerging needs in Essex County. ECT annually sponsors Operation Inasmuch, a weekend long county-wide outreach event, meeting hundreds of needs locally through sharing Christ’s love.
One of the projects that Beale hosts for Operation Inasmuch is the annual community “Free for All,” where people give away clothes and household items to anyone who needs them. Beale has also hosted free health screenings as a part of the Inasmuch event.
Essex County Christmas Mother
Christmas Mother is a supplemental program (in partnership with the Essex County Resource Council) to help families with Christmas gifts. Beale hosts this event every year, which culminates in children receiving gifts from adoptive Christmas “Angels.” By giving freely to those in need at Christmas, we are reminded of how freely God gave Jesus, the greatest gift of all. We are also reminded of the deeply theological truth that while there is often joy in receiving, greater joy may be found in giving. We are reminded in the scripture many times,
In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ Acts 20:35
By participating in the simple act of giving, we can embody the self giving love of God in tangible and earthly ways.
Children’s Enrichment Programs
Music Camp (2nd week in July)
Music Minister Marcus Vaughan leads Music Camp annually, which is a daytime program for K-6th grades. Children learn an entire musical or play each year, while also learning about God and about music. For many kids, this program might be their first introduction to Jesus, and also to music education. On Thursday each year, the children travel with chaperones to Bethpage Water Park in Urbanna. On Friday evening, the the children’s families are invited along with the entire community to support the kids in their performance of the musical. Through teaching music, kids can learn a life skill that has countless benefits, as well as learn about Jesus Christ.
Vacation Bible School (last full week of July)
All children participating in VBS learn about God’s love through a week of worship, fun, games, food, and learning. Volunteers work throughout the year to plan an implement VBS. Our Church Bus Ministry even works to pick up children for who transportation my be a challenge. Each evening, kids get a free hot meal, and then go with their age group for a fun filled evening of learning about God. For many of our VBS attendees, the meal they eat at church may be their only one for the day. Through meeting spiritual and physical needs, VBS provides a holistic approach to ministering to our area children.
Tappahannock Free Health Clinic
Several Beale Memorial members volunteer regularly at the local free health clinic, including serving on their board. The clinic was formed, in 2005, from the vision of Dr. James Ledwith, M.D. with the help of the Tappahannock Memorial Methodist Church and other community members to address the lack of health care available to those in the Tappahannock area without health insurance and the means to access quality healthcare.