Music & Arts
Adult Choir
This choir is comprised of 15-30 voices. Rehearsals are on Wednesday nights from 7:00-8:15 PM. We sing on Sunday mornings at the 11:00 worship service. We learn various styles of choral arrangements. Each year we also do a Christmas Cantata and an Spring presentation. We welcome all voices to come and sing a joyful song to the Lord.
Children’s Choir
The children’s choir is comprised of children from 1st-5th grades. Rehearsals are on Wednesday nights from 5:15-6:00 PM and Sunday Mornings during the Sunday School hour. This group sings once a month during the 11:00 worship. The children’s choir has two big performances one for Christmas and one following a week-long Music camp during the Summer.
Beale’s Bells
The 3-octave hand bell choir performs in the 11:00 worship service once a month. We play a wide variety of music from traditional, blended and contemporary. Rehearsals are every Tuesday from 6:00-7:00 PM.
Praise Teams:
“By His Grace” Praise Band
This praise team is comprising of 7-8 singers and instrumentalists. This group rehearses on Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:15 PM and sing for our 9:00AM contemporary service, “Transformed”. We would love to have more instrumentalists if you are able, including guitarists, bass players, pianist, drummers, and even harmonica players!
“Gospel Praise” Ensemble
This praise team is comprised of 5-7 singers and a pianist. We sing more of your good ole gospel and traditional music. This group rehearses on Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:00 PM and sings once a month in our 11:00AM Traditional service. We would love to have more instrumentalists if you play banjo, fiddle, stand up bass, or guitar come join this group!
Creative Arts Ministry
Beale’s creative arts team performs sacred dance, creative movements, and drama throughout the year. This ministry is for everybody, and children and adults of all ages participate in varied ways. Do you have a creative side and would like to contribute to the team? Great! We could use you and your gifts.