Tag: worship

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Visitors are always welcome here! Our church is friendly, engaged in the lives of families, and committed to missions, both locally and globally through strategic partnerships with sister organizations.
BMBC has something for the entire family, from first years to golden years. Come be our guest this week!
I would love to connect with you and your family! At Beale Memorial, there is a is a place for you to grow in your journey of faith. Come join us as we journey together!
Visitor FAQs
What should I expect worship to be like?
Beale currently has two expressions of Sunday worship. Our 9:00 AM “Transformed” service is contemporary in music style, with a full band each week. Our 11:00 AM Traditional service has a full choir, piano and organ driven music, and even handbells from time to time. Both services have engaging music, relevant and practical teaching times, and time for response and reflection. Our prayer is when we gather for worship each week, we leave having experienced God in a powerful way.
Where can I park?
Beale’s parking is located immediately off Route 17, just north of Tappahannock. As you approach the building, you’ll have two accessible entryways on the east side of the complex (carport side of the building). If the parking lots seem full, no worries! Just park in the field behind the church.
Once I park, where should I take my kids?
Our nursery (infants – 4 years old) is in the education wing, just around the corner from the sanctuary. Our friendly greeters will be happy to assist you in locating the nursery.
What’s the atmosphere like at Beale Memorial?
Beale strives to be warm and inviting to all people. People from all walks of life come to Beale each week. Every family has its own dysfunction and none of us are perfect, because the church is not a refuge from sinners, but a hospital for them. If you’re not perfect and if you’re seeking a closer relationship with God, Beale may be a great place to find community, authenticity, and outlets for service. Some people come dressed casually while others wear suits or dresses. Come as you are.